One guy, a juicer, and a bunch of vegetables.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 8.5

Crash and Burn!

After my previous post, I mowed the lawn. I came in the house, and threw up. Then, I passed out in the chair, and experienced massive leg cramps. Prognosis: Dehydration and heat exhaustion. I've spent the last few hours re-hydrating and resting.

So...I took my self off the pure juice fast (don't panic! I'll still be juicing for two meals a day, and adding a healthy whole-food meal after).

Around 3pm, I had a slice of pineapple, a slice of apple and 2 grapes...and was full.

I am a HUGE believer that the Juice Fast/Diet is a fantastic way to detox. I fully endorse a 3 day, 7 day, or even longer, fast evry now and then to quick-start your body.

I believe my problem was that over the past few days, I lost my appetite, and couldn't drink all the juice I needed. As stated above, the juicing will continue, but solids will be added in. Also, I have abused my body with so much junk over the years that the shock of the fast may have been too much.


-I DO have control over my body.
-Even though it didn't last 2 weeks, 8 Days was a pretty good try.
-I don't need to succumb to temptation

Will I still continue this blog? ABSOLUTELY! I'm still juicing, I'll still post recipes, and I'll be adding other healthy tips I come across.

I want to thank you all for your support!

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 8

The Numbers:
-Total Weight Loss: 26 lbs !!!
-Sleep: Wow! First time in months I slept all the way thru the night!
-More energy: A little sluggish today?

Posting a little early today because we have a full schedule ahead. One item on the agenda? You guessed it...a party where I KNOW there'll be lots of food.

That said, it brings on this modest post a topic I've been pondering over the past few days...discipline.

The weight loss is awesome...26 pounds in 8 days. But I think the biggest "Plus" of this experiment is the lesson in discipline.

Discipline is not a virtue I've had in surplus in my life. Sure, I've had streaks of self-control and dependability, but hardly ever discipline. I chalk it up to my artistic side. (Whatever it takes for me to sleep at night!)

I'm so amazed at myself for 8 days of discipline. It's been tough, and somewhat miserable, but I am experiencing a sense of accomplishment that I rarely have before.

But, Hey...what about 26lbs?!?!

Recipe of the Day

I am about to fix my first juice, and today I will be experimenting with papaya....I'll keep you informed!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 7

The Numbers:
-Total Weight Loss: 23 lbs
-Sleep: Another good night sleep.
-More energy: Tons of morning energy, a little sluggish in the afternoon.

Survived a meatloaf and Mac&Cheese dinner last night. Boy, it smelled good!

Feeling a little more sluggish today than I have been. I may not be drinking enough juice. Again, just not feeling hungry, so forcing myself to drink.

Pretty happy with 23 pounds in 7 days...3.3 pounds a day. Although, when I told Shannon I was disappointed that the previous 2 days had only yielded a pound-a-day loss, she almost slapped me!

Recipe of the Day

Enjoyed a glass of cucumber juice with a twist! Added a jalepeno for a little bite!

- 1.5 cucumbers (peeled)
- 1 whole jalepeno (seed and de-vein for less heat)

The cucumber is cool and crisp, and the jalepeno gives it flavor and ZING! Also, add a celery stalk if desired...celery is loaded with sodium.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 6

The Numbers:
-Total Weight Loss: 21 lbs
-Sleep: Overslept this morn! I'm sleeping 1 to 2 hours more per night than before!
-More energy: Absolutely no need for a nap today!

Today's struggle? Going to an event tonight with more free food! I've never been offered so much free food as I have in the past 5 days!!!

Oh, well...I must trudge on!

Still having a problem with appetite...forcing myself to drink juice. Just not hungry (until I get around good smelling food!).

Drinking about 1/2 gallon of water a day. That might be what's keeping me full. Weight loss has slowed a little...just a pound a day for the past 2 days.

Today's Juice Recipe:

Loved this morning's juice!

-1/2 honeydew melon
-1 peach


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 5

The Numbers:
-Total Weight Loss: 20 lbs
-Sleep: Between 7 & 8 hours last night!
-More energy: Felt almost "jittery" all day.

Interesting day. Every expert says there will be a point early on where the toxins start leaving your body, any way they can. My nose has been running non-stop for the past 12 hours, and I've noticed some acne (which I read many people experience.)

Had a breakfast meeting at one of the all-time great places for breakfast: The Cracker Barrel. But it wasn't tough at all! In fact, I really enjoyed a tomato juice while the others enjoyed their omelettes, grits and such. Although, they did leave a huge pile of biscuits and gravy in the middle of the table!

The support I'm getting from everyone is VERY helpful, and I hope my two-week goal can be met!

I've been asked for juice recipes, so here's one of my faves so far:

-2 peaches
-1 apple (been using green apples...I like the "tart")
-a handful of strawberries

The peaches make a very thick juice, so it's almost like a shake! The apples helps to "water" it down a bit. And the strawberries add a taste and color you can't beat!

Don't forget to scrub all of your fruits and vegetables before juicing!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Whig's Juice fast, Day 4

The Numbers:
-Total Weight Loss: 19 lbs (4.75 lbs a day!)
-Sleep: Another great night of sleep. Falling to sleep very quickly!
-More energy: Actually caught myself bounding up stairs today!
-Lessen joint pain: Nothing noticeable yet.

Today's big struggle: Chocolate!

I attended a business networking event that was based around chocolate, and my old friend was everywhere I turned around! But, I fought temptation mightily and won!

Actually, a strange occurrence today...a loss of appetite. Not hungry at all since my morning juice. I have been drinking a lot of water, so that may be part of it. I'll definitely force myself to drink another juice later tonight, perhaps a cucumber, so that I get some calories and nutrients.

Am shocked at the rapid weight loss. Not sure how long the pace can continue. I was told that someone in my weight range might lose 30-40 lbs in two weeks, but I'm more than halfway there after only 4 days!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 3

What a Peach!

Day 3, and all is well. The headaches are gone, and the severe hunger pangs disappeared. However, still craving just about everything I see a commercial for.

I woke up with a lot of energy, although I am finding it a little hard to concentrate. Hopefully just another symptom of the first few days.

The great news....peaches are only 58¢ a pound! I love peach juice! Especially mixed with an apple and/or strawberries! Mmmmm!

The Numbers:
Total Weight Loss: 16 lbs
-Sleep: Great night sleep, woke up with a lot of energy
-More energy: A little sluggish, probably from a lack of calories
-Lessen joint pain: Nothing noticeable yet.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 2

A church food table full of tasty treats, lunch meeting at BW3's, and the cookie aisle at Walmart.

These were the battles I fought on Day 2 of the Great Juice Fast of 2011. And I'm proud to report...I won!

Having severe hunger pangs, as well as a little light-headed. But, as I understand, this is normal in the first few days. I spoke to a couple today who just came off a two-week juice fast yesterday, and they promise by week 2 it's a ton easier. I'm gonna hold them to it!

So what are the positives and negatives after two days of juice fasting (and a two day ramp-up)?

-Weight Loss: As of today, I have lost 13 pounds after 2 days (4 days counting the ramp-up period)
-Sleep: Had a little trouble getting to sleep because of hunger, but actually slept great!

-More energy: Woke up very well, a lot of energy. Still took a mid-day nap...Sunday, you know!
-Lessen joint pain: Obviously, no results yet. 


Only two days in, and I feel like it's the biggest battle I've fought in a while. I knew will power would play a role, but it now looks like self discipline will either be the big winner, or the big loser.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 1

As Day 1 of this crazy juice fast comes to an end, I remain slightly optimistic.

As I type this, I am staring at a homemade concoction consisting of tomatoes, celery and jalepeno. My thought was "bloody mary." The reality is quite different. Blech...

I enjoyed a peach-apple-strawberry juice for breakfast, and carrot juice for lunch. Both met with my approval.

The toughest part of the day was going to the movies. Out of habit, I kept grabbing for my popcorn and Junior Mints. No such luck. But I did enjoy a luke-warm cup of water from the drinking fountain. :(

The only solid food I've had in the past two days was hummus yesterday. I felt a little light headed at times today, but am told this will pass after day three...or so.

Tomorrow, I'll start recording the various #'s relating to my goals.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, T-minus 1 Day

My God, what have I gotten myself into?

A couple weeks ago, I watched the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It's about a Brit who was sick of being...well, sick! He journeys across the U.S., juicing along the way, and in 30 days is a changed man.

I was mesmerized by this. I spent the next week researching juice fasts, and have come to the conclusion that it might just help me.

I'm overweight, am burdened by extremely bad habits, and in need of help. So, I am going to see just how a juice fast can help.

What is a juice fast?

It's just like it sounds. A diet consisting of nothing but freshly made juice (and water, of course). Some fasts are a few days. Others 30 days. Some will fast for 90 days and more. I am going to attempt a two week fast, and will monitor how it helps, if at all.

My Goals:

-Weight Loss
-Sleep (I rarely sleep more than 4 or 5 hours per night)
-More energy
-Lessen joint pain

Today is the 2nd day of a two-day ramp up. yesterday, I replaced my last meal with juice. Today, I replaced two meals, and the third meal was hummus with cucumbers and carrot sticks. Tomorrow is strictly juice.

And you get to come along on the ride!