One guy, a juicer, and a bunch of vegetables.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 8.5

Crash and Burn!

After my previous post, I mowed the lawn. I came in the house, and threw up. Then, I passed out in the chair, and experienced massive leg cramps. Prognosis: Dehydration and heat exhaustion. I've spent the last few hours re-hydrating and resting.

So...I took my self off the pure juice fast (don't panic! I'll still be juicing for two meals a day, and adding a healthy whole-food meal after).

Around 3pm, I had a slice of pineapple, a slice of apple and 2 grapes...and was full.

I am a HUGE believer that the Juice Fast/Diet is a fantastic way to detox. I fully endorse a 3 day, 7 day, or even longer, fast evry now and then to quick-start your body.

I believe my problem was that over the past few days, I lost my appetite, and couldn't drink all the juice I needed. As stated above, the juicing will continue, but solids will be added in. Also, I have abused my body with so much junk over the years that the shock of the fast may have been too much.


-I DO have control over my body.
-Even though it didn't last 2 weeks, 8 Days was a pretty good try.
-I don't need to succumb to temptation

Will I still continue this blog? ABSOLUTELY! I'm still juicing, I'll still post recipes, and I'll be adding other healthy tips I come across.

I want to thank you all for your support!

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