One guy, a juicer, and a bunch of vegetables.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Whig's Juice fast, Day 4

The Numbers:
-Total Weight Loss: 19 lbs (4.75 lbs a day!)
-Sleep: Another great night of sleep. Falling to sleep very quickly!
-More energy: Actually caught myself bounding up stairs today!
-Lessen joint pain: Nothing noticeable yet.

Today's big struggle: Chocolate!

I attended a business networking event that was based around chocolate, and my old friend was everywhere I turned around! But, I fought temptation mightily and won!

Actually, a strange occurrence today...a loss of appetite. Not hungry at all since my morning juice. I have been drinking a lot of water, so that may be part of it. I'll definitely force myself to drink another juice later tonight, perhaps a cucumber, so that I get some calories and nutrients.

Am shocked at the rapid weight loss. Not sure how long the pace can continue. I was told that someone in my weight range might lose 30-40 lbs in two weeks, but I'm more than halfway there after only 4 days!

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