One guy, a juicer, and a bunch of vegetables.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Whig's Juice Fast, Day 8

The Numbers:
-Total Weight Loss: 26 lbs !!!
-Sleep: Wow! First time in months I slept all the way thru the night!
-More energy: A little sluggish today?

Posting a little early today because we have a full schedule ahead. One item on the agenda? You guessed it...a party where I KNOW there'll be lots of food.

That said, it brings on this modest post a topic I've been pondering over the past few days...discipline.

The weight loss is awesome...26 pounds in 8 days. But I think the biggest "Plus" of this experiment is the lesson in discipline.

Discipline is not a virtue I've had in surplus in my life. Sure, I've had streaks of self-control and dependability, but hardly ever discipline. I chalk it up to my artistic side. (Whatever it takes for me to sleep at night!)

I'm so amazed at myself for 8 days of discipline. It's been tough, and somewhat miserable, but I am experiencing a sense of accomplishment that I rarely have before.

But, Hey...what about 26lbs?!?!

Recipe of the Day

I am about to fix my first juice, and today I will be experimenting with papaya....I'll keep you informed!

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